Category Archives: Women at Work

Why Do We Think It’s Wrong For A Woman To Be ‘Too Ambitious’?

My daughter turned eight years old in January, and among the various gifts she received from friends and family was an absolutely beautiful personal journal for self-growth. A few days ago, she was exploring the pages when she found a section for writing a letter to her future self. She found this intriguing and began jotting down her thoughts animatedly.

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8 Programmes In India For Switching From Non-IT To IT Careers

Note: This article was published on Women’s Web on 30th June, 2023

I was speaking with an innovative kid about his non-profit initiative a few months ago, as part of which he encourages and upskills lesser privileged girls to pursue STEM careers. He was relaying his experiences, stating that even today, a sizable percentage of people regard this field to be a man’s domain.

As an engineer, I’ve witnessed the era when gender ratios in colleges were extremely lopsided. It was widely expected that most women would pursue humanities/arts because of the prevalent mindset that a woman had to eventually become an efficient home-maker post-marriage.

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