Tag Archives: women entrepreneurs

How My Mother And I Built Tingle Your Taste Buds To Share Her Traditional Recipes!

Note: This story was featured by Women’s Web on 10th May, 2023

A woman with nerves of steel and a heart of gold — this is my favourite line to describe my mother, with whom I run Tingle Your Taste Buds.

Every parent-child relationship has its own unique dynamics, but this gets more interesting when professional partnerships get into the equation. For the uninitiated, Mom and I run a cookery website called ‘Tingle Your Taste Buds’ which believes in making cooking simple for everyone without compromising on taste and flavour. This brand, which recently completed eleven years, took the shape of a venture over the years through collaborations, recipe books, and advertisements.

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6 Key Steps To Register A Small Business In India

Note: This article was published on Women’s Web on 11th July, 2023

Do you have a small business in India or the idea to set one up? Then this is for you.

India’s entrepreneurial landscape has witnessed a remarkable surge in the participation of women in recent years. It is exciting to see how the country’s thriving startup ecosystem, coupled with various government initiatives, has created a conducive environment for women entrepreneurs to transform their innovative ideas into successful ventures.

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10 Fool-Proof Tips To Find Your Entrepreneurial Niche

As the founder of an NGO dedicated to supporting women through upskilling and entrepreneurship guidance, I have had the good fortune of interacting with many inspiring individuals.

Frequently, I encounter women who display remarkable capabilities but are unsure about the direction they wish to pursue within the small business realm. They want to do something but have just not found their answers yet.

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