Tag Archives: motherhood

How My Mother And I Built Tingle Your Taste Buds To Share Her Traditional Recipes!

Note: This story was featured by Women’s Web on 10th May, 2023

A woman with nerves of steel and a heart of gold — this is my favourite line to describe my mother, with whom I run Tingle Your Taste Buds.

Every parent-child relationship has its own unique dynamics, but this gets more interesting when professional partnerships get into the equation. For the uninitiated, Mom and I run a cookery website called ‘Tingle Your Taste Buds’ which believes in making cooking simple for everyone without compromising on taste and flavour. This brand, which recently completed eleven years, took the shape of a venture over the years through collaborations, recipe books, and advertisements.

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Why I Am Not Sorry To Say Sorry To My Child

A few days ago, after realizing I had unfairly screamed on my daughter pertaining to a school related matter, I apologized to her when we were in our society lift. Someone beside us commented right then – “These days, parents have to apologize to kids. No wonder kids are becoming arrogant.” I wanted to respond but we were getting late for the school bus, so I ignored and made a dash towards the bus stop. But this incident made me think of how a simple, heartfelt ‘sorry’ is not really ingrained in the parent-child dynamic in our society.

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My Little Blogging Journey – By Nikita Mathur

“Here. See”, said my elder brother while handing out his mobile phone during one of our trips from our respective work cities to home at Jaipur.

“What is it?”, I was not sure.

“You were asking na one day about how I pass my time.”

“Yeah. You work in a big Infosys campus that has gym, arcades, cafes etc”, I said with a hint of jealousy.

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Snack time made easy by Nutrinos

“What does your child like to eat?” 

This is a question I get asked invariably by friends and family whom we visit, and in all honesty, I don’t know the answer to it. That’s because I have a 6-year-old whose taste and choices in food change faster than the rate at which she is growing. I am almost always baffled when it comes to deciding what I should be offering her as snacks to satisfy her frequent hunger pangs. 

Every hour or so, I hear a request, “Mummy bhook lagi hai, kuch achcha khana hai”. This ‘achcha’ is where we end up in conflict because I obviously value nutrition while the little one only cares about taste. 

“You can’t have junk so often”, I often find myself muttering under my breath. “Junk is tasty, Mom”, she retorts while I roll my eyes in disapproval. 

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Ticked Boxes Do Not Define A Mother

I was aimlessly scrolling up the feed when a comment grabbed my attention. Not surprisingly, this happened because the post was about a person I have always held in high esteem – Sushmita Sen.

A woman had put it across quite bluntly that Sushmita Sen knows nothing about motherhood sacrifices because she hasn’t given birth to her daughters. She mentioned categorically that it starts from when the embryo is formed and all Sushmita Sen has done is give a good life to adopted kids, making it sound like a cakewalk.

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Inspire Beyond Motherhood Awards – A landmark day in the story of my life

There are good days. There are awesome days. There are bad days. And then there are “I don’t know what but something is off” days. It’s the last one that invokes an odd feeling and an unknown sense of void that keeps nagging you as you sail through the day. You try to focus on the positives and get all the strength from within. Continue reading Inspire Beyond Motherhood Awards – A landmark day in the story of my life

My daughter knows I am not a superwoman and that makes me a better parent

It was a misty, dreary morning. There was something off about the day. The cook had called in sick at the last moment. I had an article submission deadline to meet. And then my periods arrived just in time, as if to fan the flames. As I tried to gather the scattered ‘me’, my few months short 5-year-old spilled a bottle of juice on the floor, inadvertently of course.

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Let us stop the glorification and unburden mothers – Happy Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day! This day is special to me for more than the obvious reasons. Call it destiny’s decree that it was on this day I saw the two pink lines which transformed my core.  Months later, my daughter sashayed her way into our lives and became the epicentre of our world with her exuberance and delightful impishness. Continue reading Let us stop the glorification and unburden mothers – Happy Mother’s Day

When My Daughter Was Ready To Let Go Of Breastfeeding But I Wasn’t

It was my 2nd week post partum when the discomfort had begun. My nipples were so sore and sensitive that I had lamented about not having the strength to continue breastfeeding in the presence of my lactation consultant. And here I am, writing about my breastfeeding journey of 3 years today! I don’t know if words can do justice to this journey which has been exigent and fulfilling, with steep falls and euphoric highs. But, it’s only these words which can prove to be cathartic for me in my current state of dishevel. Continue reading When My Daughter Was Ready To Let Go Of Breastfeeding But I Wasn’t