Tag Archives: women

My Response To ‘Feminists Should Focus On Real Issues’ About Problems Faced By Women

Recently, someone shared a blog on a WhatsApp group where I am a member. The writer had written a story about a woman who felt uplifted and empowered when she began to wear a bright red shade of lipstick. It was a beautiful depiction of her journey and some found the writing to be powerful.

Continue reading My Response To ‘Feminists Should Focus On Real Issues’ About Problems Faced By Women

A Letter To My Daughter On International Girl Child Day

Dear Daughter,

Today is International Girl Child Day and this day always evokes myriads of emotions within me. As you grow, you will comprehend the significance of this day in the world that we dwell in but this letter is not just about this one day. This note is, in fact, going to be an aide memoire for me and if I ever try to enforce my beliefs and opinions on you, this will hopefully serve as a reminder for me to back off and let you be. Continue reading A Letter To My Daughter On International Girl Child Day