Tag Archives: feminism

The Illusion of Choice in Choice Feminism

I came across a comment recently on my Twitter (now X) feed that got me thinking. It was a post about stay-at-home moms and someone commented, “We shouldn’t judge their decision to stay home. It’s their choice, after all.” While I do agree that it is none of my business to comment on the decision made by any mother, this simple statement got me pondering. Is it always a deliberate choice, unaffected by societal expectations and pressures? This idea stayed with me as I thought about how every time there is a discussion on any such topic, we tend to dismiss it as a choice without really looking at the situation from all angles. Instead of pitting mothers making different choices against each other, shouldn’t we focus on enabling an ecosystem in which every mother truly follows her heart?

Continue reading The Illusion of Choice in Choice Feminism

My Response To ‘Feminists Should Focus On Real Issues’ About Problems Faced By Women

Recently, someone shared a blog on a WhatsApp group where I am a member. The writer had written a story about a woman who felt uplifted and empowered when she began to wear a bright red shade of lipstick. It was a beautiful depiction of her journey and some found the writing to be powerful.

Continue reading My Response To ‘Feminists Should Focus On Real Issues’ About Problems Faced By Women

Nothing will change if we believe nothing will change

Something incredible happened today! A man chanced upon my article on the Myths of Feminism and after reading it, he dropped a message in my inbox. He mentioned that he was someone who used to quite often mock the concept of feminism and though he did not intend malice, he enjoyed flouting at his feminist friends. Continue reading Nothing will change if we believe nothing will change

Is it just my responsibility?

“Oh! I have done all the research. It is an excellent day care with encouraging feedback from parents, some of them being my friends. I also liked the infrastructure and aura of the place and felt positive vibes emanating from the staff there. The best part is that they have the facility of CCTV cameras through which I can monitor Kaeira at any time of the day and this gives me a strong sense of comfort and security. I think Kaeira will enjoy the company of kids in the day care and will get the kind of stimulation she probably misses at home. So, I…”

Continue reading Is it just my responsibility?

Feminism – The Facts and the Misconceptions

While scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed with my sleeping baby on my lap, I read a news article about an eminent cricketer whose family got his newly-wed bride’s name changed post marriage. I glanced at the comments section of the post curious to know how the masses had reacted to this news item. Continue reading Feminism – The Facts and the Misconceptions