Tag Archives: nutrinos

Snack time made easy by Nutrinos

“What does your child like to eat?” 

This is a question I get asked invariably by friends and family whom we visit, and in all honesty, I don’t know the answer to it. That’s because I have a 6-year-old whose taste and choices in food change faster than the rate at which she is growing. I am almost always baffled when it comes to deciding what I should be offering her as snacks to satisfy her frequent hunger pangs. 

Every hour or so, I hear a request, “Mummy bhook lagi hai, kuch achcha khana hai”. This ‘achcha’ is where we end up in conflict because I obviously value nutrition while the little one only cares about taste. 

“You can’t have junk so often”, I often find myself muttering under my breath. “Junk is tasty, Mom”, she retorts while I roll my eyes in disapproval. 

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