Return Gift ideas for your child’s Birthday

It looks like you are preparing for your daughter’s wedding. You are so busy.“, my mom had joked once, just a day before my daughter’s first birthday. We both had guffawed at her comment, but she was right. We had planned a grand celebration with all our loved ones, family and friends, to raise a toast to this special milestone of our lives. Continue reading Return Gift ideas for your child’s Birthday

I don’t think I can do it

I still clearly recall that moment. I remember all the questions that sprinted through my mind in a split second. “What have I done to myself?” “Will I ever be my usual self again?” “Will this pain ever subside?” “How will I take care of my little one”? And then I looked at my mom and my doula, who were both giving me an assuring glance. It appeared as though they could read what was on my mind. Continue reading I don’t think I can do it

Love makes the ride worthwhile

It’s that time of the year! While a set of people are celebrating love with all heart and mush, some are enjoying the memes and harmless jokes about something they don’t believe in. And then there are some like me who are neutral – the ones who can laugh on the jokes and can also go “aww” at the lovey-dovey social media posts; the ones who are happy to celebrate the day of “Love” and are also cool about letting it pass as just another day. Continue reading Love makes the ride worthwhile

When we disconnected to connect

My husband and I are wanderbugs with an innate desire to travel and explore. After becoming parents, the “Now you will not be able to travel easily” comments from some people never deterred us. We continued to travel, albeit a bit differently, and did our first road trip with our child when she was 11 months old.  It was a breeze and the experience encouraged us to do more road trips with her. Continue reading When we disconnected to connect

Falling DOWN is a part of growing UP

“Terrible Twos”- the famous dreaded phase of parenthood! This is when children begin to look at themselves as individuals and become assertive. This is when they want to exercise their independence and start learning to express themselves, at times resulting in huge meltdowns. This is when they can be really cute one moment and can drive us up the wall the very next second. While it is surely a challenging stage of parenting, I believe it is also loads of fun as am currently experiencing with my child.

Continue reading Falling DOWN is a part of growing UP