Category Archives: Parenting

I don’t think I can do it

I still clearly recall that moment. I remember all the questions that sprinted through my mind in a split second. “What have I done to myself?” “Will I ever be my usual self again?” “Will this pain ever subside?” “How will I take care of my little one”? And then I looked at my mom and my doula, who were both giving me an assuring glance. It appeared as though they could read what was on my mind. Continue reading I don’t think I can do it

Falling DOWN is a part of growing UP

“Terrible Twos”- the famous dreaded phase of parenthood! This is when children begin to look at themselves as individuals and become assertive. This is when they want to exercise their independence and start learning to express themselves, at times resulting in huge meltdowns. This is when they can be really cute one moment and can drive us up the wall the very next second. While it is surely a challenging stage of parenting, I believe it is also loads of fun as am currently experiencing with my child.

Continue reading Falling DOWN is a part of growing UP

A Few Realizations as my Daughter turns 2

Whoosh! That’s how these 2 years went by. Someone has rightly said that when you are a parent, the days are long but the years are short. When I look back in time, a collage of memories flashes through my mind and it amazes me how far I have come as a person. Motherhood has been instrumental in making me much more responsible, righteous, sensitive and strong. Continue reading A Few Realizations as my Daughter turns 2

It’s a Yes to Mess Baby!

The thing that I love the most about motherhood is that I get to relive my childhood with my daughter. The heart-melting innocence, the naughty yet chaste charm, the curiosity to explore the world around and the crazy, funny pranks – I thoroughly enjoy it all. My baby gives me a glimpse of what my childhood could have been like and very often I find myself thinking – “Maybe I did that too!”. Continue reading It’s a Yes to Mess Baby!

Sleep when the baby sleeps – Really?!

“Get ready for sleepless nights” is the most often heard phrase by every parent-to-be from the whole world. And then when we become parents, it dawns on us how true this is. Sleep deprivation is a by product of parenthood and I don’t think there is a single day since my daughter’s birth when I have slept as many hours as I used to before bearing my child. Continue reading Sleep when the baby sleeps – Really?!

Thank you my baby for bringing out the “me” in me

Haven’t we all heard umpteen times from everyone around that “Having a baby changes everything”? Well, you bet it does! Every parent will endorse this fact and I am no different. 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep is now a dream, and a peaceful meal and shower has become a luxury. I always thought patience is a virtue I possessed till I became a parent and then discovered what “testing one’s patience” truly means. Continue reading Thank you my baby for bringing out the “me” in me

A lean child is NOT a weak or unhealthy child

Once we enter parenthood, having a long heart-to-heart chat with close friends becomes a luxury. But my friends are a very important part of my life and I do try to take out time to talk to them once in a while, apart from staying connected through social media and apps. So, this morning when my baby was busy playing with my help, I called up my very dear childhood friend. Continue reading A lean child is NOT a weak or unhealthy child

Breastfeeding – The natural phenomenon that does not always happen naturally

During the days of having a bun in my oven, like most expecting women, I used to spend a lot of time researching on all aspects of parenting. With vast information being just a click away these days, making an informed choice and making oneself aware about any matter has become relatively easier. Continue reading Breastfeeding – The natural phenomenon that does not always happen naturally

I am not going to assume that my daughter will marry

And one day she will marry and leave to build her own nest…” 

“Sorry for interrupting but how do you know she will marry? There is a probability that she may not want to. “

“Huh! Of course she will. Everyone does. She can’t be living alone all her life.” 

” Hmm. Well there are examples of people who have chosen to stay single all their life. So what’s the problem if she makes such a choice too? Who decides that everyone should marry? “ Continue reading I am not going to assume that my daughter will marry